Sharing our knowledge one article at the time

Our blog is meant to share our team's most recent knowledge and findings in development, programming, new technology, productivity tips and much more.

One goal in mind: empower our clients, their peers and your teams.


The Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Transformation: Connecting the Physical and Digital Worlds

Explore how IoT revolutionizes industries by enabling data-driven decision-making and automation. Delve into the challenges and opportunities of connecting physical and digital worlds.

Custom Software Development in the Age of Cloud Computing

It’s a safe bet that you’ve already addressed cloud computing in your daily operations. However, do you know how the use of these online services interacts with custom software development? Let’s delve deeper into different aspects of this type of development in the cloud context, what it allows, its advantages, the challenges to keep in...
Our Success Projects | Done Technologies

Web development: Why Blazor is the ideal framework?

Blazor. In early November 2018, when it was still an experimental product, I was talking about Blazor at an event we had organized at our office. By the way, I had surprised many colleagues when I revealed at the end that my PowerPoint presentation had been prepared with Blazor. I followed the evolution of this...

The rubber duck debugging method or the art of solving a problem when you’re a programmer

When you write code for software, if there’s one thing a programmer knows for sure, it’s that at some point it will get stuck. No matter how much experience you have, you will find yourself at a dead end with a programming problem that you can’t solve right away. The question to ask yourself in...
Custom Software Development | Done Technologies

Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things

The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is basically very simple. Sometimes we also talk about Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for the industrial sector. The idea is simply to connect physical objects to the digital world through the Internet. It gives these objects their own digital existence. But Why? Initially, it’s essentially about...
Software Development Expertise | Done Technologies

Spike and Emergent Design

There is a technique, initially introduced by the Extreme Programming movement, which consists in adding an element to the product backlog that we call a “spike.” The team agrees on a limit of time to be invested in this item. The goal is to acquire the knowledge necessary to reduce the risk, understand a requirement,...
Software Development Expertise | Done Technologies

Pair Programming: how to maximize the benefits of collaboration?

Pair programming is an Agile software development technique that was popularized in the 1990s by the Extreme Programming methodology. One of its rules is that each work item performed must go through the hands of at least two team members. As a reflex, we might think that the code review process is the ideal way...
Creation of Custom Software | Done Technologies

Do you care about testing?

I recently “talked” to my past self of several years ago, and we came to talk about unit testing. Back then, I did not care about unit testing. Today, I still do not care, but in a different way. Despite years passed, many of the issues raised in this conversation are still relevant. Do you...
Custom Software Development | Done Technologies

Les microservices : une architecture Agile — Deuxième partie

Lisez la première partie de cet article ici : « Les microservices : une architecture Agile — Première partie ». Utiliser le DDD (Domain Driven Design) pour créer des microservices En nous appuyant sur la séparation des modèles qu’offre le DDD, nous pouvons rejoindre facilement le même concept qui est à la base des microservices. Il suffit de décomposer...
Custom Software Development | Done Technologies

Microservices: an Agile architecture

The digital era in which we live nowadays requires us to bring several changes to our way of doing things. Businesses that are still seeing software development as a costly burden and not as a strike force, will soon face many important challenges. To surf on the technological wave, businesses need to be able to...
Our Success Projects | Done Technologies

Hello World entreprise version

Basic Hello World The best way to learn a new language is still writing the typical Hello World application. I can not count the number of times I started a new project with this simple application. For example here is the simplest Hello World application that can be done in C#: After starting Visual Studio and...
Your Custom Software Creation Partner | Done Technologies

CQRS—Event Sourcing

CQRS is a system architecture or design pattern that separates the act of reading data (query) from taking action (command) in order to produce a system which easily scales and provides some useful benefits (such as “playable” event logs) that make the maintenance of the system less burdensome. Learn more about these topics Articles Clarified...

Bracket Show

We present to you our Bracket Show project, its origin, its content and our wishes for the future.

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